14 November 2014

Love in My Life

They must not forget, when they love, that they are beginners, bunglers
of life, apprentices in love must learn love, and that—like 
all learning—wants peace, patience, and composure.
~ Rainer Marie Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

When you went to death,
dropped by heart attack
at age forty six,
I dropped, too, gulped
and swallowed love
for two decades.

But love has not been
fallow in the fields
of my being, you have
pointed to under
currents of Godness
that I swam toward.

Since you tilled my fields
they continue to
grow, since you sowed them
the crop still includes
you, the harvest love—
what you mean to me

Is never a drought,
never an absence—
and this is Heaven
on Earth, how earthly
love informs deeper
spirit, love and pain.

So walking in this
pine forest my eyes
see God’s champions
in separate need-
les and bark, branches,
each tree, each circle

of six trees, forest
with deep red needled
carpet underfoot,
I walk among love
below and above
inside and outside.

So attending to
business and health
in complex city
daze with few hours
of respite is love
I carry God with me

Because I knew love,
love grew into an
intention that pours
from my fecund hands
at work and play—I
grow words in furrows. 

I see cardinals
today—two in my
yard, love—meet friends for
lunch, love—each fork full
a praise, love—later
protest out of love.

Love crosses borders,
and quarantines.  Love
ignores walls, weapons
and weariness.  I say
I am tired, and
love answers Go on.

Love of my life grew
and pointed to love 
in life, a path I
could have ignored in
sorrow but chose as
apprenticeship, love.

 Inspired by Marian's prompt Love of My Life
at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

Copyright © 2014 S.L.Chast 


  1. A beautiful love, once known, lives within the person forever.

  2. oh, Susan! what a gorgeous tribute. wow. WOW. love this, love your sharing of this. wonderful, inspired, inspiring!

  3. Christopher Barnes11/14/2014 9:29 AM

    Hmmmmm.... Wow. So it's, like.... Acknowledging that love itself is greater than the relationship or person? This poem is quite lovely; kind if comforting.

  4. A beautiful tribute to love that cannot be forgotten. Real love never dies.
    Thank you for your visit to poetryofthenetherworld.blogspot.com

  5. To follow The Right Path The Way of Divine love, growing along as it was instilled and inculcated...a beautiful brave decision
    when one rises above the self, the heart soul and spirit can see the unseen beyond the horizon across the borders..and gain unlimited energy peace and comfort...A classic literary work of poetic art

  6. Okay, this FOR SURE, is my favourite of yours!!!!! I am inspired that your love pointed to Love as a path, you the apprentice. Love that the blue jays, the lunch with friends are all love. Especially love "I say I am tired and Love answers Go on." Sigh. Perfection.

  7. I'm really taken with your approach to this prompt. I find it comforting as well.

  8. I love how you mixed the music into the tribute as for sure it's a worthy thing to do.

  9. Love crosses borders,
    and quarantines. Love
    ignores walls, weapons
    and weariness. I say
    I am tired, and
    love answers Go on. -- what a wonderful love that is indeed... and think as well that we never stop learning love... a path for sure..

  10. I'm taken with the idea of Love being an apprenticeship...yes, I think this is true.

    The trees, cardinals and other nature inclusions really speak to me. The entirety is really very moving and beautiful, Susan...what a great response to this challenge.

  11. I really like these:
    "dropped, too, gulped and swallowed love for two decades."
    "each circle of six trees, forest with deep red needled carpet"
    "I grow words in furrows."
    the last stanza

  12. This is so beautiful. May we all be in that apprenticeship of love.

  13. Hi Susan, you write of love in such an encompassing way, where love walks hand in hand with Grace as well as loss-- sorry for typos-- it is a lovely poem in all senses of the word. K.

  14. Love the poem, love how the Rilke's quote of 'wants peace, patience, and composure' reflects in the poem in such loving manner, passionately! ~ xx

  15. I enjoy the Pauline undertones in your poem, Susan. Love makes an impact on us forever and oftentimes enables us to love better.

  16. So beautiful and resonant i would have to quote the whole poem. A gorgeous poem, a poem brimming with love.

  17. Such a beautiful piece...made me emotional, Susan.


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