30 May 2017

Smelling the Roses

Senses slowly returned after quitting smoking.
Within a year, half the spice gave twice the flavor,
eyes teared quickly instead of itching, and swallowed
food burned the gullet in ways I had forgotten.
Cigarettes had been my excuse for stepping out
of parties for solitude.  Now, I leave without
explanation and find a lover waits for me—
clean air radiating the essence of flowers. 

My blog poems are rough drafts.   
Please respect my copyright. 
© 2017 Susan L. Chast


  1. Oh just loved the second stanza so much....fresh feeling!

  2. I am so glad I gave up smoking early in my life and live in Australia where smoking is banned in almost every building! There is nothing quite like breathing in fresh air and the scent of flowers and trees. Loved the humor in your poem Susan.

  3. Good decision...better clean air than tar! Beautifully expressed.

  4. You did just the right thing; it wasn't easy I bet. The closing line is so heavenly...

  5. I love the discovery of clean air and flowers as a lover. Cool!

  6. I love the leaving now without excuse - true freedom...bkm

  7. Sometimes what is best for us, we like best!! Sometimes not....

  8. This is one of my favorites from you, Susan!❤️ The emotion and experience in this is so tangible and such that one can truly relate. Beautifully executed.❤️

    (and thank you for the lovely prompt)

  9. Congratulations. I quit too, 7 years ago.

  10. Loved the humour in your words too Susan.
    As a decades-long smoker I am unsure how it has affected my senses. I reckon I can still smell the roses... :o]
    Anna :o]

  11. What a lovely and refreshing poem! Stopping to smell the roses, one of the simple joys.

  12. I am glad you can smell the roses now ;)

  13. Good one What an awakening :)

  14. I am glad to know that you gifted your lungs oxygen not tar!! Bravo...Susan! Beautiful piece...

  15. Congratulations on giving up the gaspers. Not easy to relinquish an addiction.


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