28 December 2019

Chatter into Worship and Wonder

25th, 26th, 27th—maybe it will
take all 12 days of Christmas to move me
to compose poems again.  I sit home daily
focusing on white space, and thinking
of anything but creativity.
I‘ve journaled and prayed—much too private
to share in poems.  My vigil for ideas
I can test into truths continues.
Past experience supports me now:
If I don’t give up, wonders will arrive.

Right, God?  Right, Friends?  Today, sunlight 
trickles through curtains to puddle in our circle
and shadow surrounds us.  Not unusual,
but now it recalls the advent candles
we lit all December leading up to
Immanuel.  We sang Mary songs.
Pregnancy and birth preoccupy me.
They stopped with me.  I have a mother, but
gave birth to no one.  But mothering yes,
classroom by classroom (and cat after cat).

I notice what I’m thinking.  Bemused, but
not amused.  The sunlight draws attention.
I put my hands in it as if I could
cup it and draw it to my heart today.
Later, I’ll walk.  Now, I imagine weight
in light and weightlessness in shadow.
I lean back.  Hands rest in the solid light
on corduroy pants on knees.  Elbows drop.
Shoulders relax. I feel the energy
of those sitting right and left of me now.

I wonder who they are, so look.  Aha.
I know you, friends.  What do you see with your
eyes tightly shut? I wonder, and close mine
as well.  Aha.  I know this comfortable space.
I let my eyelids rest, closed loosely, as
loose as a dry clothesline, as loose as my
limbs.  I check, then release calves and ankles,
loosen thighs and sit in the straight-up balance
that eases effort.  And releases me
from thinking, from "I" in shadow and light.

I'm lucky to have this quiet.
Wonder scans this possibility in
war zones, in earthquakes, in rubble, in fear.
Wonder walks me from home with nothing in
my pack, just lifeluckylucky to be.
Listen to how wonder grows and know 
the message, today's wisdom:
how to grow wonder and ideas under
duress, how to amplify voices 
in shadow and in light.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
If you quote, credit this page.
© 2019 Susan L. Chast


  1. "If i dont give up, wonders will arrive." How i love this peaen to life lived walking in wonder. It makes me happy.

  2. Thank you, Susan, for these thoughts, as darkness threatens to overcome me, after reading about the death of one Toronto's voice for positive change, in our Trans community, before Christmas. They have a man charged with second-degree murder, for this death.

  3. how to grow wonders and ideas... what a wonderful thought it is and this poem of yours is planting such wonders and ideas in my mind.. thank you for it! That easy style is pushing me to write a free flowing poem - despite the chaotic barriers of the year end. What a good read!


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