01 April 2020

Guarding the Boarder

I am a border guard with no guns, I
guard borders from unwanted intruders.
Right now I sit inter-face to watch news
and visit friends, while monitoring who
can enter, how and why. My control freak
rules like never before to guard my soul
and protect she from unwanted visits—
trespassers, really, in sacred spaces.

Other times empathy opens her gates,
and the eyes of the day's supplicants are
passports for their souls. They are welcome in
my borderlands, the places I call home,
refrigerator, bathroom, living room,
washing machine, microwave, WiFi and
purse strings—leaving only bedroom for me,
bedroom, music and seat at the table.

In this temporary sanctuary
time holds its breath. I am a border guard
without weapons, rich in space. I pour out
money—not enough—10s and 20s. I
let go of things, a freedom apparent
when I resume control, watching for change
once-foreign cultures and animals make.
I record and celebrate every day.

And look to friends who know 
they are guardians too.

For NaPoWriMo  Day One:  "I’d like to challenge you to write a self-portrait poem in which you make a specific action a metaphor for your life – one that typically isn’t done all that often, or only in specific circumstances. For example, bowling, or shopping for socks, or shoveling snow, or teaching a child to tie its shoes."

My blog poems are rough drafts.
     Please respect my copyright.
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2020 Susan L. Chast


  1. Susan, this is wonderful. A border guard, watching for threats, then empathy opening the gates. I love "the eyes of today's supplicants are passports for their souls." I think of all the refugees everywhere walking in search of a safe place in a world without safety. I look forward to reading your journey through April.


  2. A border guard for the soul. How appropriate! Best time to guard our inner temple.


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