31 December 2022

A Kind New Year’s Eve, 2022


Rainy grey quiet is welcome today. May it linger and muffle sounds of un-peace.
In this pause, my heart stops fluttering. Peace takes weight off my chest and my breasts. Inhales do not replace it.
A kind weightlessness. No gravity. I float from sleeping cat
in the study to sleeping cat in the bed/sitting room. Each purrs at my caress,
barely waking, purrs instead of walking away and shaking me off. It’s a soft
day here. I’m determined to float in it. The days ahead will call me back to task,
but whatever “the ask” I’ll be ready—if I exercise today gently, if
it holds me rightly. Tomorrow I’ll be ready. But caution! If tomorrow’s call
doesn’t come, it will, it will. Caution. Stay in this moment until the next one comes.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2022 Susan L. Chast


  1. This poem is a soft purr. Thanks.

  2. Everything in this poem is gentle, calming and meaningful. To be mindful of the present is excellent advice, though I have found it increasingly hard to apply to everyday life. But I step into the new year with self-compassion as my theme, maybe that will guide the way. A very happy new year to you, Susan. Always a pleasure to read you.

  3. Kind indeed, of a peace conditional and fleeting yet of this very moment, which is all I suppose we can find. Lovely to see you at earthweal!

  4. Susan, this is beautiful. I could see you in that peace, and felt it myself. We must cherish such moments while we have them.


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