27 March 2024

Morning Light

My home is high up in a castle
with a vista of grass and woodland.
The rising day rims distant trees
and then hits magnolia blossoms—
so sun or cloud cover, I don’t need
curtains to feel private, protected.
Here’s a daily invitation to wait
near the glass and secretly watch
swift moving cardinals. Here’s
an invitation to walk across the grass
toward the trees, pausing and
lifting my walker with each step. 
Finally, I learn the slow motion  
that morning light seems to prefer,
a speed meant to feel and to bless
the light, to see and to accept
the blessing of the grass, to welcome
the shadow of the woodlands.


(And here is a simple song.)

The Coming of the Light
It’s a long time coming,
The light of dreams
The light of reason
The light of love
I expect it each day
In morning light
In silver-lined clouds
In rainbows
But I know, without hearing the news
That famine exists
That blood flows
That neighbors hate neighbors
I stand with others working for the light
To heal the earth
To feed everyone
To eliminate revenge

It's a long time coming
Expect it every day
dream light
love light, holy light

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.

© 2024 Susan L. Chast 


  1. "to see and to accept
    the blessing of the grass, to welcome
    the shadow of the woodlands" -- Beautiful lines, interesting contrast between blessing and shadows.

    " It's a long time coming
    Expect it every day
    dream light
    love light, holy light"
    Yes, it is a long time coming, but we have to continue to hope and dream!

  2. I love the idea of "the slow motion
    that morning light seems to prefer," - now that you've said it, it's what I'll remember whenever I am out at that time of day... also the light...even if it is a long time coming... yes, we expect it every day...hope or faith or certainty...whatever that is...we need that love light!!!

  3. I love this poem so much! I especially love - and think of often - that window frame FULL of magonlias. What beauty! I told a friend about it yesterday. I love that your home is high up in a castle and the blooms are your curtains. And the slower pace, which I have raised to an art form. Smiles. I especially love the song - the kind of light needed to bathe the world in peace. Beautiful, Susan.

  4. I love these lines so much, Susan, especially the magnolia blossoms:
    ‘The rising day rims distant trees
    and then hits magnolia blossoms’.

  5. Oh that "shadow of the woodlands" ... Oh my Susan each line filled with a light of spirituality that is simply breath-taking and the song just had me yes.. breathless!

  6. I feel morning should be slower so one can enjoy the beauty of the light. Too often we are busy rushing to work that we don't truly see the beauty of the new day.

    Did you write that song? I love it's message - Truedessa

  7. "bless the light, to see and to accept" - Love the way this poem draws you in and captures the wonder of life. Lovely work.

  8. Susan,
    Your poem very kindly shares the wonderful views from your room into the nearby garden. I love having a window that captures the outside view, without requiring curtains.
    You have a personal seasonal observation point :)

  9. Your poem is gentle and so beautiful, Susan. You know, when i was young I moved fast, always in a hurry, hounds at my heels if you will. Now, I'm like the speaker in your poem, seeing the whole world in my back yard with its trees and bird feeders. I love to just stand and watch, or sit outside with my dog and take it all in. I loved your poem.

  10. I love the light the holy light....beautiful poem....Rall !

  11. What a beautiful poem of acceptance of aging while even still, loving the beauty of the world.

  12. Sorry - anonymous is Suzanne - Wayfaring blog - Wordpress


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