25 June 2024

Knocking On the Door



“To he who knocks the door will be opened,”
Jesus said in the sermon on the Mount.
Well, I’ve been knocking and no one answers. 
I read “he” who knocks as universal,
but maybe “he” literally meant males—
at least to church leaders who formed the Book?
Because we can’t be sure what pronouns were
in the original message, can we?
Scribes copied scribes and translated scribes till
anything is possible.  And, too, no
time line says when the door will open, or
if God will answer directly or not.
God and Jesus like paradox in their
parables. They like variety in
stories, including, I’m sure, your story
and mine.  They may need them to
play out until the cliff-hanger when things
get tough, and we knock more desperately. 
And even then, they may hesitate, as
if given just a few more minutes, we
would solve the problem unaided by
external hands.  Create yourself, the closed
door seems to say, let me answer in your
living heart, and trust it right there.  Trust it.
My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful message in this poem, summed up so wonderfully in your closing lines. Wow, Susan. A beauty.


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