07 July 2024

A Good Friend

Ah, friend!  I don't remember your laughter.
I remember your smile of pleasure on
your Valentine birthday.  Sometimes your smile
was joy with tears ready, like at movies
in moments of beauty.  Often your smile
was wry, amused by my optimism,
the smile of your decisive personal
motto: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.*
We argued about that, a small luscious
tug underlying our friendship.  Listen:
I enjoyed your pessimism in talks
following films and news.  And now I take
you with me to movies and to theatre,
noting where you might react and where we
would disagree.  I saw Oppenheimer and
Barbie that way.  Lots of sister smiles.

*The more things change, the more they remain the same.

For my prompt "On Friendship" at What's Going On?   

(And here's one from the archive "Having Seen the Other Side.")

 My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast  


  1. A sister-friend like that is a treasure. I can see her smiles and tears through your words. Lovely, Susan.

  2. How wonderful to have known a friend so well that one can continue to 'converse' with them though they are gone. You must have had wonderful discussions. A poignant poem, Susan.

  3. What is better than a friend with whom you can disagree and argue and still be assured that it only adds to the relationship not damages it... a beautiful friendship, Susan, described so well... I wrote of how friendships are at an edge now when disagreements grow in a very polarized world...it's getting harder to keep it together when entire worldviews are so different....I find my circle growing smaller....

  4. "Sometimes your smile
    was joy with tears ready, like at movies
    in moments of beauty." These are such priceless moments of life. And impactful so that you feel their presence even when they are no more. True friendship this is. Beautiful.

  5. What a wonderful depiction of true friendship - beautifully written - Jae

  6. This a true authentic friend.

  7. I love the image you chose to illustrate your poem, Susan, and the way you portray a good friend – and sister smiles. I can’t remember my best friend and I ever arguing, about anything, and whenever we get together, it’s as if we’ve never been apart.

  8. Your lovely friend will always be with you. You were blessed to have her.I like her personal motto.....Rall

  9. Your poem is joyous!! You experienced a good friend. A Treasure! annell

  10. Loved the tig and pull of your words, Susan, as the tug and pull of your friendship so cherished and still alive in your smiles of remembrance.

  11. Tis is a delight and so much held in your friendship. Well done.

  12. Susan — The link to my poem “Friendship” has been corrected on WGO.


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