07 October 2024

About Magic and Story



I used to practice a kind of supernatural magic:
alone or in groups, we would light a candle or build a bonfire,
and send out prayers and wishes to influence reality.
Let’s call this wicca.
And I believe energy from prayer adds force
to the political cocktail of protest or celebration.
Community carries that kind of intentional magic of growth.
Let’s call this faith.
Witness the power of gardens, worship, and ecology.  See
the power of poetry, books, public gatherings for music and
theatre and feasting.  Witness problem solving everywhere.
Let’s call this action.
I know the non-human magic that pulls
or pushes humans to partake of life in its diversity:
Grounding that makes us part of the earth rather than travelers over earth.
Let’s call this relationship.
Touching and talking with trees and animals, standing still to feel
their energies.  Sitting down in gardens and watching the give and
take of insects and sun.  Watching and wading in many waters.
Let’s call this life.
Nature has a magical ability to change its parts. Concentrated experience teaches us how
myth and fairy dust derive from nature’s action in human lives.
Let’s call this story.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast


  1. I love this, Susan, especially when the poem turns to being with the earth, rather than on it. When we tune into the magic of Mother Earth, she changes and awakens us. I love your poem.

  2. Wow! All of that - from faith to relationships to life to action - our whole story, our whole magic.. a brilliant poem that makes me think of all that has...or has not...made up my life...


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