22 October 2024

Joshua Trees



I saw a desert once.
Called the Mojave, it
featured Joshua trees
with upraised fists that held
evergreen needles in
their strong knuckles over
shaggy brown bark.  They seemed
shy solitary trees
who stood in hot hot sand
ready to run away
in an instant.  I watched
for a very long time
but never saw them run.

For Sumana's prompt "Desert" at What's Going On? 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast


  1. Made me wonder if growing taller was their rebellion instead of movement... upraised fists punching the sky! Beautiful trees, I can see how one can watch them for a long time...

  2. I visited Joshua Tree National Park in California once. So amazing to be surrounded by those trees! I like the idea that they have 'upraised fists.'

  3. Trees in a desert are true wonders. The name of the tree surely gives it a special character. Love the name.

  4. Joshua trees are beautiful. I have never seen one outside of photos. Amazing, the growth that happens in such dry hot conditions.

  5. Such a reflective poem - a moment of embracing the world

  6. I’ve never seen a desert or a Joshua tree, Susan; thank you for the photo and the poem, which brought them both to me over here in the UK. I love the image of the ‘evergreen needles in their strong knuckles’.

  7. I enjoyed your desert Joshua tree poem. I can visualize their fists warriors in the desert sun.


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