26 November 2024

Giving Thanks



Let us feast this weekend
for thanks giving on its
best of the harvest and
turkey, too; and let us
feast on the company
of the new oldest and
youngest of our tribe, on
the sports and games we play
and watch together; and
let us feast on the way
our eyes and smiles say love
even if our mouths don’t.  There
is work to do, too, with
thanks for the hands and hearts
that wash the pans, and the
knowledge that when this week-
end ends we will go back
to earning our living,
to living, to taking
care of the planet and
to making our voices heard.
We’ll feast then with people
who support our causes,
though some here now will not.
Let us know the limits
and the learning edge of
those we spend time with
and, most of all, ourselves.

For my prompt "Feast" at What's Going On? 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast


  1. This is a beautiful poem of gratitude and celebration of life, Susan, perfect for this time of the year. "...let us
    feast.......on / the sports and games we play / and watch together;" Love this portion. The word 'together' is always a beacon of light' for me in any situation. A lovely poem.

  2. I love that, even in the face of discouraging developments, you still reach for generosity, giving, kindness, working for the planet. Bravo!

  3. The people who support our causes or don't and the limits - especially of ourselves... I love that reality after the thanking and feasting...how we come back to living. Wonderful.

  4. "and
    let us feast on the way
    our eyes and smiles say love
    even if our mouths don’t. " Yes, sometimes the words are hard to say, but the eyes and smiles say it all. Let us all enjoy the company of those we get togehter with, even if (unfortunately) all are not totally in agreement. Tomorrow will bring a new day, and there is more work to be done. And, yes, we do need to know / accept the limitations of others.....and, of ourselves. A wise poem, Susan.

  5. I'll feast with one daughter and one husband and be thankful for a small intimate dinner. How different from Thanksgivings past but here we are. I love those middle stanzas, to wash the pans and earn our living. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. What a wonderful exploration of feasting and celebration - Jae

  7. I enjoyed your seasonal invitation, Susan, and am happy to accept and give thanks from afar. This weekend I’ll be going to visit my daughter and grandsons, for a whole week, will see my sister for the first time this year, and enjoy some very early Christmas celebrations, fun and games, as I won’t be with them on the day.

  8. Beautiful and thoughtful poem, Susan.


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