02 January 2025

A New Year's Prayer


On each New Year’s Day I remind
myself that life was created for joy,
and resolve to keep in touch with
the dance of life this time around.
And each year I find myself lost
in heaviness, scattered in so
much of everything that I
lose sight of the sacred dance.
Worse, I see it everyday
in parks, woods, streams, and flowerbeds
but forget to belong to it,
to be inspired and to inspire.
I forget to wipe off the blood
of war, mud of politics, and
tears of failure before climbing
into bed to rest and renew.
And so I pray the Great Spirit
keep reminding me to free my
soul each day, to smile with love,
and to join in the sacred dance.

Inspired by Sherry's prompt "Being a Good Creature" at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.

© 2025 Susan L. Chast  


  1. I so resonate with this poem, as I, too, get weighed down by grief over what is happening all over Mother Earth. I like your lines about being inspired by parks, streams and flowerbeds as it is to the natural world that I turn for solace and inspiration. The sacred dance goes on, in spite of the follies of humanity. I love your closing stanza about remembering to join in. Wonderful, Susan.

  2. I love this poem and should make a copy of it and put it on my bathroom mirror to look at first thing each morning.....so I keep in mind that life was created for joy & as a reminder that I need to find / experience that joy. Despite all of the 'blood of war, mud, and politics' (which I have to find ways of mentally letting go of), I must savor the moments of joy! Thank you for this poem.

  3. I forget to wipe off the blood
    of war, mud of politics, and
    tears of failure before climbing
    into bed to rest and renew.

    This stanza in particular is such sound advice! We need no mud or blood as we rest and recover.

  4. Yes...I believe we are here to enjoy God's gifts to us here on earth and give thanks. The mud and blood are man made.

  5. A heartfelt prayer and the last verse is one I would gladly pray…to join the sacred dance in life. Truedessa

  6. They say, "never let the sin go down on an argument," and I think that goes for the things you mention here as well.

  7. I am absolutely with you Susan. I love words that come out of experience for they touch us deeply and straight away nest in the heart. I could feel every word of yours. Mary is doing the right thing with this poem. A most beautiful new year keepsake this poem is. Smiles. A very happy new year to you Susan. Stay blessed.

  8. This is like a hundred percent true...in the chaos of war and politics and failure, I no longer know about just being, that sacred dance you speak of...if only it didn't feel like guilt to step away from it all and go relearn it.... I love this slice of truth poem, Susan.

  9. We need to participate in joy, love, and kindness. A beautiful prayer

  10. I love this poem, Susan. We all need reminding.


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