05 April 2021

Monday after Easter, Walking with a Friend

A spring day / Forest walk,  H. A. Brendekilde (@1890)

Divinity appears in pastel glows
of barely budded trees across from us.
We sit in shade between quarter-mile laps,
happy for this rare date in open air. 
Yesterday, were forsythia blooming?
were the magnolia trees in bloom?
What existed before resurrection?
If we wish, we could check cell phone pics— 
Instead we breathe deeply and look ahead
toward wellness and work and retirement plans.
Maybe we’ll start bird watching—there’s an app
for that: it recognizes variety. 
It recognizes types of trees, humans
and other animals if it stays charged.
And then, too, there is life for us without
cell phones, with nothing but the glow of spring.

Posted at  earthweal weekly challenge: THE TEEMING

My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright. 
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2021 Susan L. Chast 


  1. Life 'without
    cell phones, with nothing but the glow of spring.' - Sounds good to me!

  2. Yes, I love just Looking and seeing what turns up. Smiles. Lovely to read you, Susan.

  3. For many these days, glorious nature is a pic on Instagram, a selfie in glory. Natural parks are being overrun with clicking cellphones. But what was there ever to capture that is not better savored and let be? There is no app for grace, and resurrection is simply waking to knowledge that we never left Eden. Thanks Susan - B

  4. life for us without
    cell phones, with nothing but the glow of spring - why does that sound like some impossible promised land! We're having a massive second covid wave but am still hopeful I can see the birds someday soon!

  5. And then, too, there is life for us without
    cell phones, with nothing but the glow of spring.

    "A consummation devoutly to be wished"..enjoyed this poem, Susan!


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