10 June 2016

Step Twelve: Good News


Differentiate sharing the "Good News”
from proselytizing—because there are
more ways to share in heaven and earth than
are dreamed of in all our congregations.

Phenomenal—the way we love ourselves
and our neighbors—phenomenal—the ways
helping and serving substitute for words,
whereas words are means to telling tales.

Phenomenal—the way sharing stories
leads to spiritual awakening—
and so we write, perform and demonstrate
in all creation our wholeness journeys.

Phenomenal—accompanying, most
of all, with tea and bread and empathy
along the way—confirming that each step
is necessary to light journey's end.

Experiential—how we learn knowledge
requires articulation and sharing,
how we relax into the take-and-give
recycling of phenomenal Good News.

Inspired by Richard Rohr's 


Part of my series Oh, Ye of Little Faith*

My blog poems are rough drafts. 
Please respect my copyright.

© 2016 Susan L. Chast


  1. "confirming that each step is necessary to light journey's end".......I love this one, Susan!

  2. recycling the good news - I think that is something we all need to do - think on the good and trash the bad.

  3. Experiential—how I learned knowledge
    required articulation and sharing

    Perfect ending Susan! It is a realization many are thankful for!


  4. You have to admit it is perfectly strange? I clicked your name on Poets United, and it took me to your write of May 29....a beautiful write. But I had to google you to find today's write? Very strange, very strange a little bit like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

  5. I do think the Universe is talking to us, and with us everyday...I am also coping this one...I am not sure exactly what it is trying to say to me...but I will read it each day, open myself, to your words...and look for the meaning, meant especially for me.


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