20 August 2014

Character(s) in Education

“Talent develops in tranquility, character in the full current of human life.” 

Hear our praise of learning and teaching, 
praise of schooling and de-schooling, 
praise of models and modelling, yes,
praise of perspectives

Hear how we are grateful

to learn within class and without
to learn what differences enrich lives, what perversions rape them
to learn from adults with knees for clinging, soft shoulders for crying and boisterous laughter for joining joy
to learn from sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, parents and grands—who are the grandest abuela, teeta, baba, bubbe and more
to learn from friends and enemies
to learn from shop keepers and street cleaners, from bosses and coworkers, from rights and wrongs
to learn from cycling and cycles of waves, rain and water, of days in and days out, of seasons, of births and deaths
to learn from Nature's love and indifference—to be part and to part
to learn languages
to learn reading and writing in sound, sand, film, ink and digital divides
to learn action and inaction, timing and impulse, difference and indifference
to learn border crossing and healing
to learn to become our separate selves

Written for my prompt

Poets United Midweek Motif: Social Good

(exactly 180 words, whew!)

Copyright © 2014  S.L.Chast


  1. Wow! This flows beautifully!

  2. and thus a character is formed...the simplicity of words welling up from the depth of the heart also shows a way of life...very well written as usual :)

  3. This read like an anthem to education, the University of life which is the biggest school of all. I like all the aspects of learning that you delineate here. It's so true that we can learn from everything around us.

  4. I love the idea of border crossing and healing...that seems like the essence of our personal growth and education...I also love how you have expanded upon your opening quote...

  5. From a true teachers heart-it reflects 'Learning as a interactive social process and so well composed and presented. Once my Principal referred to me as a 'problem solver' she said' anjum has many friends she can talk to shopkeepers carpenters gardeners and even mechanics to get the job done' actually my approach towards people and the belief that learning can take place anywhere but specially in a tension free atmosphere' I Honor All Teachers all over the world They serve best to make the best'

  6. Some children are better at the model than adults. I hear a herald calling this into the square calling others to listen and heed the warning.

  7. What a wonderful philosophy - so positive, learning from everyone. Loved this poem of social goodness!

  8. Very well written. I enjoyed it.

  9. nice...i think much of education has little to do with the actual course work...dont get me wrong, it is important but what we learn about ourselves and existing together...and working together...it creates culture that carries over....that said i think there is great benefit to learning from various cultures as well and part of that is education...and of course there are those that do not share this exhuberrence for education...and wading through them...well, it is interesting...i was dealing with a few of those today....

  10. There is so much we learn in a classroom and so much we learn from one another, the world. I wonder what lessons my life is teaching.

  11. You are right. Life is an ongoing learning process .The more you know the more you realise you don't know !

  12. So much to learn, as this piece illustrates. And so many ways in which to do so. Character development is most certainly key.

  13. Wow! It feels like the challenges/tasks/goals for many incarnations...to be completed and become enlightened! ~ Grateful to meet you, Susan! xx


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