22 March 2016


File:ISS-39 Pre-winter storm, southwestern Australia (a).jpg
Pre-Winter Storm

She storms
when herded
into limits
like a wild horse
tasting iron bits
and fear.

She storms.
When so moved
stress clouds gather
on her forehead
and resound
in her ears.

She storms
when cornered.
She holds her breath
and turns red
casting anger
here and there.

She storms
when so moved.
She overflows
with tears and
everyone near.

She storms
till so moved
sorrowful song
dries her eyes
and emits 
an all clear.

She saves
up her storms. 
In semi-safety, she
patiently assists
mutiny in the 

Copyright © 2016 Susan L. Chast


  1. She saves up her storms for her worst distress. Good one, Susan.

  2. And when that happens we will blame everything but ourselves because we are so blind.

  3. I love "like a wild horse tasting iron bits and fear." And "assists mutiny in the biosphere." Cool.

  4. She storms till so moved sorrowful song...

    Sigh such power and emotion in your poem. Beautifully penned.

    Lots of love,

  5. I think it is very good that she storms - it shows there is passion inside..fire in the belly..a desire to be and change and grow and also probably good to assist in the mutiny of the biosphere!

  6. We have pushed her over the edge...but we just think she is emotional yet it is our doing....love the message and metaphor in this Susan....brilliant!

  7. This is stunning Susan, I love how you tied the storm to a woman's emotions. So good!

  8. I really like how this seems both scary and beautiful all at once. Like you love that she storms... but at the same time are a bit worried about it as well. Nice job.

  9. This part is so true...those stresses in life.

    stress clouds gather
    on her forehead
    and resound
    in her ears.

  10. She storms but she can adjust to changes. That itself is being very good. Great lines Susan!


  11. I like a passionate woman with metaphorical balls. Send me her email..I'll put her at the top of my Christmas card list:)

  12. Sadly, we never seem to learn our lesson, in how to treat a world, in a just and fair manner. For She has been overly kind, to our rudeness.

  13. The first stanza is brilliant and it the poem gallops from there. Very nice, Susan

  14. Brilliant! Formidable! Intense!

  15. Love the sound play with storms/cornered...a brilliant write, Susan...storm personified!

  16. And she is getting louder with her protests. Will have to see after this El Nino how the storm patterns will change. Living in Asia, I'm not looking forward to this year's storm season.

  17. Love the repetition of She storms and the ending:

    She saves
    up her storms.
    In semi-safety, she
    patiently assists
    mutiny in the

    Hope you are well Susan ~

  18. I liked the personification of the earth, Susan, and the metaphor of mood for climate. A powerful poem!


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