13 June 2020

Pause for Dreaming

"Perfect Balance" Surreal Art Photography by Luisa Azevedo

I can see the stag is dreaming—still and statuesque—

holding images in the spread of his antlers. He looks 

straight at me, and I see a sailboat afloat with multiple

people aboard.  This is no Noah’s Ark.  Is he asking me

to leave the way we came taking all my people with me? 

I cannot turn the clock back 700 years—not in ecology

nor in population growth nor human struggle to survive

(whether good or evil).  The image the beast projects is

serene and beautiful.  The water in his balanced antlers

is clear of all but fish who swim freely under empty sky.

Immediately I associate, “The sky’s the limit!” –the top bet

in gambling, grabbing, and greed.  How can the beast hear

me I think, as I hear a round “No” negating my rush of images

and words.  After my silent outburst, the calm continues. 

Now I hold his gaze—or he holds mine a dream in a dream.

For the ekphrastic prompt at Sunday Muse # 112

My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright.
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2020 Susan L. Chast


  1. I love the images and thoughts in this poetic dream but that last stanza is pure magic Susan!!

  2. So good! Much, much here, both in language and in content. I especially liked "This is no Noah’s Ark. Is he asking me / to leave the way we came taking all my people with me? "

  3. Beautiful! And that idea of a reverse Noah's ark is compelling.

  4. OoOo, I love dreams within dreams, especially if animals or birds are key players, and then trying to plumb the meaning. This is striking.

  5. A dream in a dream and the message is up to interpretation.
    If only we could turn the clock back a bit and right some wrongs.

  6. A unique and beautiful poetic interpretation of the art ....

  7. Wow! So good!!

  8. Stunning imagery - what else can we expect from dreams within dreams.

  9. Susan, you did so well with your ekphrastic work. I also like the, I'll call it "continuing verse", form. I did that between verse transition or continuation one place in one poem. Yours seemed to flow smoothly.
    Yes, there is a void left where our continuing attempts were destroyed with ISIS furor.
    We must do our small part, if we find one. That there is a great need is very evident as we see how nature is attempting to adapt to our neglect and destruction.
    I do lend my name to the Sierra Club and other petitions.

  10. "A dream in a dream." I am held in his gaze too. Beautiful, Susan.

  11. Beautiful, reflective...I once had a buck who came almost daily to visit. He would stand behind the fence and we would quietly observer each other.

  12. A lovely write and I'm so pleased you rounded it off by coming back to that regal stare. Loved it!

  13. "A dream in a dream." I find this a lovely thought and I love your poem.

  14. I love the recognition of "the sky's the limit", a perfect dream image.


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