12 June 2020

The Other Side of Sunny

Supplément turc. 242, fol. 14v - Osman, Cancer 1582 crop.png
Cancer Sun Sign

First, know the nature of the Cancer sun sign

to move sideways instead of directly to a point—

think of the crab running the sea shore, body

turned, claw feet almost too fast to see, bulky

body light as a cloud, not the dead pink lump

you see on your plate.  I am like that. 

My parents and I were all Cancer signs. More so

when we lived in the same house.  Imagine:

We skirted each other’s understanding, running

in circles, trying like hard to rein in our crab-ness

to listen carefully to each other—to show that we

at least listened even if we didn’t understand.

Love tells truth slant—in this Cancer sign race—

running in circles, intending to be gentle, its vague

but pointed indirectness rankles.  We all notice,

but too late to stop the damage.  We press our lips

together and get quiet.  The hurt is a little stone

to rub and polish. Later one of us will throw it.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright.
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2020 Susan L. Chast


  1. As i am a cancer sign, i delighted in this poem....i am the only cancer in my family, and my sideways scuttling has never been understood. Loved this poem so much.

  2. Move sideways instead of directly to the point... aah... I don't do sunsigns but I must say the cancerians I know are exactly like that... too late to stop the damage- the consequences of running in circles are heartbreakingly familiar. Your last two poems hit the mark so well, Susan.


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