04 January 2021

January 2021


quietly weight shifting
one foot down, one lifted to swing forward

walking that slowly into the new years
2021, ‘22, ‘23

and so on ~    balancing wishes
and prayers that safety is salvageable

safety from pandemics and violent
white marauders dressed to blend in

quietly shape shifting
larger than before, faces closed books

amid open ones masked
by streams, hands netting plastic waste and guns

there is no end in sight, once committed
to clean-up and to seed

safely balanced, bright flowers and beauties
will spring up, and we are children again


My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright. 
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2021 Susan L. Chast



  1. Committed to cleanup and to seed....what a great intention for the new year. They say the Great Shift is happening this year. We live in hope.

  2. Susan, your poem penetrates deeply ... and gives everyone reading it hope for a better tomorrow. Thank you.


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