01 February 2021

Putting It All Together

1. Wonder 
Older and braver 
we ease toward neighbor trees 
close enough to learn. 

2. Grieve 
See my wound and let 
me see yours. See potential 
limbs that scar tall trees. 

3. Fight 
Freeze, flee, fawn, and flop 
won’t serve us today. 
Faith shields our roots.

Teaching and practice with Valarie Kaur
Part two of her compass: Tend the Wound

4. Rage
Catching rage in jars
where it lights up like fireflies
signaling its truths.

5. Listen
Those of us who can
read fireflies welcome their sparks
and take detailed notes.

6. Re-Imagine
In tree branches, dreams
of collective creation
change everything.

Teaching and practice with Valarie Kaur
Part three of her compass: Breathe and Push

7. Breathe
Reaching forward with
breath as if we were trees with
roots nearly entwined.

8. Push
Reach. Inhale. Exhale.
Prepare. Forgive. Try again
with lighter load.

9.  Transition
We are not alone.
Pain sears temporarily.
And then roots touch roots.

10. Joy
Engagement begins!
And to know relationship
thrills, pulses in our roots.

You must have joy like
chocolate chips in cereal—
semi-sweet, alive.

Sent to Valerie Kaur with permission to use it.

   Please respect my copyright. 
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2021 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. What a great cycling resulting in our commons. The trees are such (wound)erful kindred here, midwifing and welcoming our rebirth aboard. Great stuff Susan, thanks for sharing at earthweal. Belongs deeply to the arts and sciences of Turning ... Thanks for bringin' it, Brendan


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