22 April 2021

Earth Day, after a lawman is convicted of murdering George Floyd



Listen, dear Mother Earth!  I’m learning that if we humans

put our own species first—all humans first rather than a

select few—we will finally be taking care of you.


Listen to human cries of hunger and thirst, of ruined

lands, joblessness, and murder!  Yesterday, as we held one

lawman accountable for murder, I saw a greater light.


By taking care of our own species, we take care of you.

We’ll have less violence, less poison, cleaner water, more

creative solutions for recycling waste.  We’ll have hope.


And we’ll have love.  As my species gains health, you will gain, too.

Every species on earth, dear Mother, will benefit when

humans can care for each other without exception. 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright. 
 If you quote, credit this page.
     © 2021 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. This is true.........the trick is caring for the others, not just self........we dont seem to have made that leap yet, but perhaps we are close.


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