10 September 2022

To Sleep, To Dream


Drawing By Frederick Church (1870-80)


I wake to purrs, so reach out slow and smooth

not to scare the little ones at rest.

Moving my mouth, I moan in cat meter.


Moving the ship of state is a dance art.

Spark and let blaze like a western drought fire,

but in water, in atmosphere. 


In my rare dreams, my cats answer questions

unasked while I drink their strongest potions.

We are not yours, they explain. You are ours.


So easy, once the conditions are right. 

To make tinder, undercover agents

complete tasks, no questions asked.


Do I want to know?  No insist cat gods.

I yawn and stretch. I’m tired and sore, willing

to recline, decline, wink and blink and nod.


Many tiny boats in the flotilla

of state float beneath smoke, screams, and sighs, 

turning off sense for todays and tonights.


Posted at earthweal open link weekend #135

 My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2022 Susan L. Chast


  1. I LOVE this cat poem! Especially "We are not yours, they explain. You are ours." That is exactly right. Lovely to view life through cat consciousness.

  2. Sleeping with cats is a liminal experience, half-awake for chunks of the night as we incline and graze each other's sleep-state. How richly and archly you capture it here. Maybe our empty human sense open in sleep to the fullness of cat-consciousness. They think so!

  3. Brilliant, this works on levels over a above a cat poem!

  4. Only one of the cats that currently lives with me comes up on my bed. The other two are very much my son's cats.


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