27 December 2023

Can we keep peace alive?

“Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails
 into behavior. It almost always makes
 you willing to be of service, which 
is where the joy resides. . . ."

― Anne Lamott, Help, Thanks, Wow


Do you, too, feel paralyzed as bombs
and guns continue their killing sprees?
((Do you, too, tend to objectify
weapons as if people did not aim them?))
Do you, too, stand by your senators’ doors
asking them to withdraw support for wars?
Or are you the letter and poem writers,
the artists who create performance and
visual arts for spirit-starved people?
Do you pour food and medical aid
into war and impoverished zones,
helping those who lost limbs and homes?
Ah, troubled, generous friends, remember
to treat yourselves as you would treat others
with love and hugs and all sorts of nurture.
Remember to keep your sleep safe so you
can keep children’s safer, to love yourself
as you would love a neighbor.  Remember
they also help who only wait or pray,
who grow and raise food or report the news.
Remember they also help who protect
the earth's wildlife, teach school and inquiry, 
provide therapy, and keep our streets safe.
Remember gratitude before it’s too late.
To end wars, we need gratitude like we
need manure to enrich soil. We have
to learn to value those who spread kindness,
curiosity, and conversation—
the rich loam in which seeds of peace can grow.
To keep peace alive, we need everything we know.

 For my prompt "For Peace" at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. "To keep peace alive we need everything we know." -- I like it. Your last three stanzas gave me a bit of hope that peace, in one form or another, can continue. Thank you for this, Susan.

  2. We do need everything we know... and perhaps, everything we don't know too...especially how to convince people who can, to end wars. :( So we keep hoping and hoping...

  3. "Remember gratitude before it’s too late." I do believe most people remember it but for a handful of most powerful, vicious and ungrateful humans that we are into this state. However all is not lost. Love the close.

  4. I so love this poem, especially the last line. Very affirming and motivating.

  5. It seems futile, but it's not.

  6. Isn't that the Golden Rule? Do onto others....etc.? Sure is ground into the dirt nowadays.

    1. Yes, but to treat yourself that good . . . ?

  7. I think you have touched on many truths here. The way to lasting peace begins with each and every one of us, I agree.

  8. Sorry that comment came up as Anonymous. I'm Suzanne from the Wordpress blog - Wayfaring.

  9. Your title is perfect and got me thinking even before I read your poem, Susan. I agree that we must remember to treat ourselves as we would treat others; if everyone did that, there would be peace. The final stanza sums it all up beautifully.


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