25 March 2024

Humans are Animals, too.



What happens to sunlight over bombs?
Is it friend or foe?  Or, like me,
is it an inactive witness we think is neutral
because it does nothing?
I think of psalms.
But what praises can we write
for any sides of today’s wars?
Surely all sides claim God.
What counts as winning?
A tally of the dead?  A promise
That no country will attempt to push
any other country into the sea?
Sunlight here brings things to life.
Neutral, it is nature assisting nature.
Where in all the bombs and strife
can plants and animals find pasture?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. This poem made me think of the animals in war zones, not to mention those animals and humans being bombed and starved across the globe. I think there are no winners in war - it may stop, but the division and hatred goes underground, to erupt again. For any sort of peace, we have to stop hating and bombing each other and we are a long ways from that. Sigh.


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