12 March 2025

Beauty in our Times



How beautiful is a door whose
hinges work well and also
has a home attached to it.
How beautiful is each tree
in the woods. Standing
together is double beauty.
How beautiful is strength
to survive the onslaughts
of man and nature.
How beautiful are people
striving to right the wrongs done
by dominance and inequality
More beautiful still would be systems
built better moving forward, with
respect for each and everyone.

  For Sumana's prompt "Beauty" at What's Going On? 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2025 Susan L. Chast


  1. Yes, oh yes! I loved each stanza...I can't say that I have a favorite. But yes, systems built better and moving forward would definitely be beautiful to behold these days!

  2. The most obvious and simplest things are often the most beautiful, Susan and you have explored that beautifully in this poem. These lines made me smile:
    ‘How beautiful is each tree
    in the woods. Standing
    together is double beauty.’

  3. Those better systems....I wonder how long it will be before we see government for the people again. Sigh. I especially love the beauty of a door with a home attached - our sanctuary!

  4. I love how the poem is gradually moving towards a better world that begins with a safe shelter. "standing together" and "with / respect for each and everyone." seem to be the guiding force towards light. Speaking about this complex world in this garb of simplicity is a beauty in itself. Great lines, Susan.

  5. I am glad that you seek out the positivity and hope for more acts of beauty - Jae


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