31 May 2021

I'm Waiting for You


O my dear creator help me to channel you!
Months have passed since I made anything. Speechlessness
is bad for both writer and teacher—and what else
can I be? On this wee patch of earth, I’m waiting.
Typing here, I’m waiting for guidance. Cleaning up trash
from passing cars, I wait. Cultivating pine trees
and bushes of red and yellow roses, I wait.
Counting three parts per foot, I am waiting for you.
Counting four feet per line, I am waiting for you.
I’m occupying this corner as a free zone
while I wait, although I haven’t told this story.
Has waiting become its own prayer, creator?

Is this where you want me? Can I serve standing here?
Amen then. I’ll pray and wait for you without fear.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
   Please respect my copyright. 
 If you quote, credit this page.

     © 2021 Susan L. Chast



  1. Oh yes, you ARE serving standing there. With your poems, your zoom meetings with Friends, and with your being, which is all about peace , respect and social justice. We are putting good into the universe with our tending of plants and trees and the picking up of litter. I am adding to that letters to all relevant government officials as we are trying to save Fairy Creek. Numbers of defenders are growing including a phalanx of seniors who shook their canes at police - police gave up and went home that day, they cant arrest 95 seniors. LOL. I love this poem. It sings.

  2. All ways of waiting and living while hoping for and doing good are valid... Sherry is right, this sings!


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