18 March 2022

The Construct of Shelter


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I long to dwell in your tent forever and take 
refuge in the shelter of your wings.

Once upon a time I thought I wouldn’t live past thirty
but now age buffers me—not from mortal pain—
but from guilt and shame and company.

A week with my garrulous mom confirms I’m an introvert.
I won’t fight it. I have my own walls to return to.
But safety and soundness are a state of mind. A fragile state.

Some of the walls built by humans condemn our souls.
Is there a hell for punishment? Are we reborn into the masses
we let live with no food no shelter no hope?

Did we construct pathology like we built normalcy? We shelter
in words under governments more or less lethal. 
Among words that shelter and expose, some of us speak.

I want to benefit others, to be a blessing to others, to be
in right relationship—the few relationships I have with home
environment cats neighbors, with church family town—

surprising and deep relationships as we look for truth.
I’m drawn to truth. I spend my guaranteed pension on truth seekers.
I’m drawn to understanding and hoping. This urge is my shelter.

I will abandon the search before long, I'm told. My books. Film. 
The imaginary. Moments of reality that ring true like bubbles
of safety.  Worlds words can share. The shelter of the imaginary.

Until then, I construct it among real plants pillows pets
and power. Until then I join others openly virtually
carefully boldly. Until then, we each find and rebuild truth.

 earthweal weekly challenge: SHELTER


My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
If you quote, credit this page.
© 2022 Susan L. Chast


  1. A wonderful write, Susan. Like you, I take refuge in my quiet rooms, so this poem resonates with me. I love that you are a truth seeker and that you join with others to effect social justice. (Truth seekers have big job these days with so much false info flying around.) Sorry to be slow in reading this. Yesterday was offline all day. Glad you wrote for earthweal!

  2. We all have built internal walls of safety as the outside seems to be crumbling in all directions. But, we need to remember those doing good to help those who seek shelter.

    We need truth seekers to help find the light.

  3. I have had a very busy week in the world and with men doing construction things all around my area. Finally on Saturday afternoon I get to come home to the quiet and rest. It's so lovely to have an extended moment slow stitching on a sunny afternoon. Your poem speaks to me of the yearning to find others to share the deeper truths in these incredible times. Most of my searching for others is online now. I think you and I have a similar approach to life. Suzanne - (WordPress) Mapping Uncertainty

  4. I love the idea of connecting with truth seekers. I suppose that's what most poets are, if they're doing their job right :-)

  5. Great contemplation on the idea Susan - I hadn't thought of heaven and hell as antipodes of shelter but they are, mansions of the Lord above and naked exposed pits of fire below: they are essentailly about permanent shelter or lack of it. Meanwhile on this side shelters are created in the welter of local and interior relations which grow deeper and more sustaining over time. And truth is the ultimate shelter, a canopy of light. Well done and thanks for joining in.


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