29 July 2022

Mystery and a White Pine Tree




My life is done” plays in my head.

I’ve waited ten long years to hear

a leading that would pull me near.


The life force left me here alone,

I told my tree. Though I’m not dead,

No purpose pulls me from my bed.


“I have nothing to give,” I thought.

We’ve used our earth down to its bone.

Soon human life will lose its home.


Bleakness will rule society.

But the wise tree leaned in and taught:

See how self-image brings all to naught?


What? I gasped, but see it’s true

Geography, society and me

are parallel. All three.


But which began the downward trend?

Which of the three could hope renew?

The questions let their light burn through.


“Which came first, my dear white pine tree?”

Which parallel caused hope to end?

Or did all three blend, my friend?


I loved that tree, and paused to play 

with this congruence-mystery

feeling awake, wild, and free.


All could be broken beyond repair,

but the parallels braid and fray

they glimmer, they say Seize the day.


Strands of each send out bright sounds

that invite me to look right there

to linger, to openly care.


They ask “What do you want to be?”

The pine asks, too.  Invites abound:

Thrive, strive!  Mystery’s around.

For earthweal weekly challenge: SACRED GLIMMERS

The poem is inspired by attending Spiritual Formation with Clinton Pettus from 7/26-27, 2022.  I hope soon to write this amazing teacher a better poem.

 My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2022 Susan L. Chast


  1. This is an amazing poem, Susan, and it resonates with me - it is hard to encompass such love for the earth with seeing how she is struggling, and to find any hope - or glimmers - at all. For me, the glimmers are always the wild world.......your tree sounds lovely and amazing, and your poem is wonderful.

  2. I love how you say congruence-mystery... it's true though with climate and covid and whatever other horrors are happening around the world - it all seems too much. What's left of nature is the only source of calm and hope...we have to cling to it as well as we can. Beautiful poetry as always, Susan.

  3. How true that the life, as in the white pine, that is always before us still manages to remain a mystery, even as the life within. Openly caring can be the hardest thing, because the most vulnerable, but here you show us what glimmers under that surrender.

  4. It's in my nature to be a bit of a Negative Nelly, but I try to remind myself that if we don't keep trying, then all is truly lost. Poems like this one help me do that.

  5. How strange. The Wild Writing prompt today was Ten Years Later and I just posted a poem about that, then came here to check your poem again, had forgotten yours mentions ten years too. Synchronicity. Far from having nothing to give, you give us these remarkable poems.

  6. Love the glimmers of awakening here -- a walk in the woods, converse with the spirit in the tree, the beams which appear like grace.


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