14 February 2023

Have a Heart: a valentine love song



How do I love thee?**

By sharing what we have in common:
approximations of the same
and our only earth.

How do I love earth?

By holding what holds us so well:
            land- and city-scapes
            the endless hum of living—
and change, true change, despite history
that’s recorded in gold by power.

How do I love change?

By living life with what builds it:
            bones and ligaments
            nerve synapses
            vital organs—O!
Take my heart. Rest it against yours.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)***

 Posted at earthweal: A COMMONS FOR ALL

*The image above is by Friends of Oaxacan Folk Art: 

File:Honoring Mother Earth by Josefina Claudia Martínez Alarzón.jpg

If hope my valentine love song evokes

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. A charm of elements wound by "our only earth" -- a living love poem. Absolutely lovely & lively, Susan. And this "holding what holds us so well:" ... "and change" keeps us revolving into abundance. If the Devouring Ones don't burp it all. Thanks lifting this into the commons, Susan.

  2. I love the progression of these how do I's........wonderful. LOVE the closing lines!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Your poem is so full of energy. I agree by sharing and keeping the love in our hearts alive we can work together to heal the earth. Suzanne - Mapping Uncertainty

  4. All of our contradictions, and still...so much to cherish--"multitudes" indeed.


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