14 June 2023

A Good Story



We’re tiny in the universe,
       yet it holds us without question
       while we ask it mighty questions
      like how was it born, how does it
      keep going, and how does it die.
  These attributes of life also
  suggest agency, and we ask
How do you affect us?  Are you
 God?”  And then theological
  questions like where are heaven
              and hell arise.
                 I feel universe
in relation to the small planet
earth, and assign more ancient
anthropomorphisms to it,
like Earth and the universe are
married, and that union is God
with all its sounds and music and
motion and stillness.  Neither can
act without the other’s knowledge,
in fact, all Gods know each other
and it is only humans who
make distinctions and boundaries. 
War, joy, hope, love, and pain grow from
the stories we tell, our myths and
certainties.  I, too, have a faith
with a name, one that allows me
to ask
“What would Jesus say and
do.” I think the Sophia in
Jesus would like my story and
add it to the circle of good
stories from cultures worldwide—
all present in a large circle.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea that all Gods know each other. And I also agree that Jesus would like your story. It makes sense in a positive sort of way!


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