24 June 2023

Candle or Bonfire?


Who is the 8-year old in me
who wants a story to keep her alive?
She doesn’t lack a story, understand,
it’s not that kind of want.
It’s a desire for more. 
And when she stands between
the candles of small passions and
the bonfires of amazing passions
she leans toward the bonfire
to warm her body and then,
before she can turn to
the less fearful candle,
the larger passion finds
a place in her heart.
“Take a risk,” it dares her.
“Take a risk.” Catch on fire. 
You will not walk alone for long.


My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. This sounds wonderful. Lovely to still be open to taking risks. Lovely to follow one's heart.


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