12 June 2023

Mystery in the Middle


Meditation by Elizabeth Nourse (1902)

For Amy

The world is clearer after ablutions,
the ritual cleansing for sacred time.
Whether washing your face at faucet or pump
or plunging your body into tub or stream,
you can call the four directions plus earth,
the entire universe and your own heart.
Your feet are grounded, your head is clear.
Only the familiar is behind you.
And here you wait, to see and hear what comes
through, natural or supernatural.
You hold the place in gratitude for life
in all its diversity, whatever comes.
And when you’re done, and have thanked all seven
directions, you may depart or linger here.

 My blog poems are rough drafts.

Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. You hold the place in gratitude for life
    in all its diversity, whatever comes... this is beautiful.. a place I want to get to... just to be and soak up the glory of the universe, no matter what. The spiritual tilt of your writing always strikes a chord.

  2. "In all its diversity, whatever comes." When all is done, we must simply say....thank you for this!


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