01 July 2023

Catch and Release

Morning rainbow

When life releases its details varied and urgent,
I become a container to catch more and more
of them until I lose my bearings.
When I separate priorities from the mass,
they swim from room to room
evading my fishing net.
I escape to the backyard, where stroking
branches of pine needles, soft as cat fur,
relieves pressure and panic.
My sides breathe, gradually transforming
container to conduit.  The pine tree nods
to my sigh, and I remember who I am.
Now I see fish in the rainbow caught in the
upper limbs of the pine, and I stand still
in the last drips of rain to admire them. 


My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast



  1. This is so lovely, especially seeing fish in the rainbow in the pine tree. So cool.

  2. Happy Sunday Susan.
    I'm every Sunday



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