23 July 2023

Moving in the Spring



 Should I move in the spring?  Will I?  I asked
the brook at this morning’s water tasting.
We “tasted” it with our ears and attention,
not with glasses and straws, hands or hats.
We called the 4 corners, paying special
homage to the West, to where water dwells.
We listened to a young falcon calling
mother.  We heard traffic.  And under all,
the brook tinkled and trinkled over stone.
It twinkled with sunlight, inviting sun
in.  And we asked our questions, mine inside:
Should I move in the spring?  Will I?  I asked.
Water answered:  We are. Always. Moving.
I smiled at the parable-like answer.
I saddened at the thought of water dead
with chemical madness in industry.
Living waters are endlessly moving,
while human life is finite by design.
And it is within those limits that I
might or might not move with life in the spring.


My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast

1 comment:

  1. I so resonate with the "might or might not". That is a major life change, one I have made many times. The winter is a good time for gestation. Maybe by the time spring comes, you will have your answer.


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