03 October 2023

Of Muskrats and Molehills and Hope


When many larger animals failed, a muskrat dived and died
for the dot of earth that became Turtle Island
We need as strong a creation story now to grow mountains
from molehills of hope, to manifest what grows near the ground.
Imagine tiny hills of hope like the handful of earth that grew on turtle’s back—
hills we will roll together as if we could build a new world.  We can.
Like snowballs into snow creatures, we’ll manifest our mountains
of hope, and dwarf the lies of power which undermine common sense.
We can do this.  Already enough hills of hope exist to defeat fear and its close relative hate.  Separately, we could stumble, but connected we can dissolve the barriers.
This is my hope: That earth will thrive if we gather in the ways we’re learning
now, if we listen to earth and move forward united in hard work and joy.

For my prompt "Hills of Hope" at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.

© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. "Already enough hills of hope exist to defeat fear and its close relative hate. " Yes, fear and hate are very closely related. Often, it seems, one leads to the other. I am hoping too that in time there will become a way to move beyond, to move forward - and renew our world! Very well expressed.

  2. This is so beautifully envisioned and stated, written with a loving pen. May it be so.

  3. "Imagine tiny hills of hope like the handful of earth that grew on turtle’s back—" I absolutely love this image. All beginnings must be this beautiful and continue with the faith "we can."

  4. manifest hills of hope and connected, dissolve barriers - how wonderful that would be.....

  5. I like that your poem focuses on hope. A lovely poem!

  6. I am not anonymous, I am annell livingston: SomethingsIThinkAbout-annell

  7. As soon as I saw the title I knew I would enjoy your creation story poem, Susan. I especially love the idea of molehills of hope – we have plenty of moles in our garden! I also love the alliterative ‘manifest our mountains
    of hope’.

  8. This is beautiful and inspiring. This is doable! Loved.

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous writing, Susan! I am especially moved by these lines; "Already enough hills of hope exist to defeat fear and its close relative hate. Separately, we could stumble, but connected we can dissolve the barriers." Yes! ❤️❤️❤️

  10. I agree, we do indeed need a strong story of creation one that will bring hope grace and love back into the world ...Truedessa

  11. Oh Susan - so lovely and yes inspiring...


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