10 October 2023

Gratitude Today




Everyday, I start by noticing I’m alive.
This morning I did the same, grateful
and happy for a few moments,
for another day.
Then it hit me that hundreds of people
just like me didn’t wake today because
of a new battle in the ongoing war
between Israel and the Hamas.
And thousands dying of war
in the Ukraine and Russia
and the climate and terrorism
killing in Afghanistan.
Today is Columbus Day in the USA,
Indigenous people’s day here as well, raising
up the survivors from European colonialism.
I’ll spend part of today learning.
Today, every minute of gratitude I feel
for my home in mild climate and remote
from war and colonial take-over reveals
how lucky and selfish I am.  Privileged.
If I hold my breath, will people stop dying?
If I send someone money, will it pay for peace
or a larger arsenal?  If I march somewhere
visibly against war, will a family’s trauma heal?
I hug the day. I cling to gratitude and learning.
I join millions who stay alone at home praying
that this too shall pass.  That some of the living
will bury the hate with the dead.

 For Sherry's prompt "Gratitude" at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.

© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. Yes, this is a good reminder that we should be thankful just to be ALIVE. (Simply that!) So many in Israel & Gaza who were alive 4 days ago can no longer be thankful for anything. And we here, so helpless to DO anything, to HELP anything. And no amount of money can pay for peace or bring back any of the lives that have been lost in that war, Ukraine, in fires and floods, through gun violence, climate change. If only it would happen as you expressed in the last stanza -- if ONLY some of the living will bury their hate with love. If that were to happen, we could ALL be grateful!

  2. I love that you put the poster at the top.......it was Indigenous Day here last week. Valarie Kaur on facebook expressed the situation in the Middle East in words I was searching for - she is such a loving being. I so love her. Praying " that some of the living will bury the hate with the dead." Oh yes. Suffering on both sides of a conflict and no one ever wins. A beautiful poem, Susan.

  3. You speak my mind, Susan. It's so difficult to even imagine the plight of the victims of war or of any other injustice. We can only hope against hope for a peaceful world. But.......
    Your poster speaks a volume too.

  4. "If I hold my breath, will people stop dying?"
    "That some of the living
    will bury the hate with the dead."
    "how lucky and selfish I am. Privileged." - what a brilliant poem, Susan.. I had some of the same thoughts in my poem, but you have summed it up so much better. This new war is breaking my heart - truly human beings need to stop this, once and for all.

  5. Powerful excellent poem. We are indeed blessed who are remote from war and not suffering from climactic disasters Yes we are very priviledged and selfish and yes we must pray for peace and give thanks !......Rall

  6. The gratitude for life itself and the conflict and helplessness over not being able to truly change the horrific situations for others despite our somewhat paltry attempts are a picture beautifully drawn -

  7. I am also feeling grateful for being alive, safe, well.

  8. The way things are today, we are all grateful to be alive, Susan! I dread the news because somewhere in the world so many people are suffering and dying. These lines resonate with me:
    ‘If I hold my breath, will people stop dying?
    If I send someone money, will it pay for peace
    or a larger arsenal? If I march somewhere
    visibly against war, will a family’s trauma heal?’
    Yes, let’s all hug the day!

  9. larger peace, or larger arsenal indeed. i dream of a world that works for everyone, with noone overlooked, and nothing left out.

  10. Such a thoughtful poem Susan … that last line … should we bury our hate with the dead? I fear that might be very unrestful for the dead!

  11. Yours is a very thoughtful poem. Thanks. SomethingIthinkabout-annell


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