25 October 2023

The Pillowcase in America




Making a new case for a pillow is easy:

Two matching-sized pieces of cloth

Have three edges to conjoin with

the fourth edges open and ready

for a plain or embroidered hem

into which a pillow slides

inside which a pillow hides

so the smooth and silky case

is all that touches the face.

Light and so easy to clean

It leaves all it covers pristine

And is even good for Halloween.

Do you need a bag for candy?

Or a costume for a ghost?

Let the pillowcase play host.

And this delights the night

In bed or on the train,

on dry streets or in the rain

At home or in flight.

And what better casing

for emergency supplies

and quick getaway packing—

lighter than a suitcase,

the pillowcase.

For Sumana's prompt "Ode to the Mundane"  at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast




  1. What a delight to read the poem! "Let the pillowcase play host."...The host is très resourceful.

  2. I so enjoyed this! The lowly pillowcase performs many services. This poem reminds me of the Halloween I was a ghost with a sheet over my head that I kept stepping on going up peoples' stairs until the mouth hole gaped down to my knees and I finally had to take it off. LOL.

  3. Ah, I had never thought of all of the uses of that ordinary pillowcase! Clever poem. Made me smile!

  4. Now that’s a unique poem, Susan! I do like an instruction poem, and all the different uses for a pillowcase. When I was a child, we didn’t have Christmas stockings so my parents put our presents in pillowcases.

  5. Ah yes the undervalued pillowcase gets its due! Delightfull!

  6. oh yes....I'm a big fan of pillow cases....a pretty pillow case can hide a multitude of sins like transforming an old mattress cover into a nice soft cushion....Rall (recycliste extraordinaire:)

  7. It packs a lot of utility! My children plan on using theirs with candy next week!

  8. Jane Dougherty10/26/2023 10:25 AM

    Burglars are supposed to find them very useful too :)

  9. This made me smile, as my daughter had a ghost costume made from a pillowcase one year. Very useful!

  10. Exquisite...never thought a simple pillocase could trigger such poetic lines. Delightful read, Susan. Wow!


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