19 June 2024

The Princess who Flees


Sooper Books

A palace should be more comfortable
than any old B&B, don’t you think?
Well, the royal family took me in,
alright, but they gave me a lumpy bed.
The bumps were so hard that I couldn’t sleep,
and I got out of bed bruised black and blue.
Which proved to the legal prince that I am
a princess, so he wants to marry me!
Good grief!  Why didn’t he just test my blood
with Ancestry?  Why resort to folk tales?
Why not discuss it?  What a way to start
a relationship—bizarre and eerie.
Women need more than wealth and fame these days.
Secret tests suggest more unyielding rules.
I’ll slip out the door, find and start my car,
and—no looking back—thank my lucky stars.  


For Sherry's Prompt "UN-FAIRY TALES" at What's Going On?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.

© 2024 Susan L. Chast 


  1. haha - why didn't he just test by blood with ancestry? Truedessa

  2. This was such fun to read, Susan! I love it! Especially booting out the door and escaping the travails of the rich and famous. Smiles.

  3. Laughing heartily at consulting Ancestry!

  4. bizarre and eerie - is so right... even checking ancestory! No looking back at nonsense like that!!!!

  5. Always good to be in the driving seat - wonderful- Jae

  6. This reminds me of someone whose name I shall not mention but, suffice to say, her basket contains jam and dog biscuits – possibly to distract the wolf.

  7. Ha....a lucky escape !.....Rall

  8. Oh dear! The final two lines are in the future tense. Hmmm. Hope she did make an escape. Smiles.

  9. "Start my car" - love it, New beginnings are so important.

  10. What a good poem!! Wise and wonderful!! annell

  11. You had me smiling from start to finish and then some! You un-fairy taled the heck out of this one in just the right way. Great writing too, Susan, a charm and a conversational rhythm suited to its light tone.

  12. Oh I love this poem --- smiled all the way through and loved the accompanying illustration ... Bravo!

  13. Sounds like she dodged a royal bullet! This made me grin.


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