24 September 2024

At the Threshold



Autumn is ticking

toward Solstice, so night lasts

longer than the day.

The leaves change color—

Yellow, gold, and red amid

the green that remains.

Oh! To dye my hair!

To do something outrageous

to welcome the dark.

But, of course, I don’t.

Age draws smiles from those who can

remember our youth.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick—

counting steps from day to night

turning off the light.

At the threshold forget.

Look beyond fire and bombs to

What is natural here.

Cloud cover reminds

us of so much we cannot

know beyond this world.

Stars remind us that

our home is in the wonder

of infinity.

For Sumana's prompt "March of Time"

 at What's Going On? 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast


  1. "At the threshold forget" - what a great line right there pointing to the larger cosmos... if only we realize how tiny we are in the larger scope of things...maybe there won't be any fire and bombs and we'd live with love and awe at the magnitude and magnificence of the universe.

  2. I love this journey from fragmented 'time' to infinity; a quest for being complete. The poem reminds me of a Tagore song, the last line of which is something like this: Unto that wholeness the mind begs a retreat.

  3. I love how you end the journey in the stars - nothing to be feared - just part of our journey - magical as it is - Jae

  4. Oh, I love this, Susan. From autumn to solstice to infinity. I especially like the last three lines. Though they seem to be speaking of the journey toward the end of life, there is an optimism and a clarity!

  5. "Stars remind us that our home is in the wonder of infinity" really resonates with me. My life has been so full of wonder. This poem is so beautiful. I love it.

  6. It seems to me that we are always at the threshold of moments and seasons, Susan. I love the references to colour and youth.

  7. Oh go on Boomer....Be a devil and colour your hair....a Brassy Blonde perhaps? LOL. Our home is in the wonder indeed.Lovely poem....Rall

  8. I love the cadences, the notes you strike in this poem, its steps progressing smoothly from thought to thought as from one room to another, and finally onto infinity's threshold.

  9. Indeed. What a wise, calm, lovely write, Susan.

  10. I'm with Shay, this is a wise, calm, lovely write. One that brought some peace to me today.


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