11 December 2024

Today’s Sermon



is waking early enough
            to catch rain at dawn,
to stretch the pain out
            of my body before rising,
and to remember the tasks
            and joys of the day.
Today’s sermon is
            wind rushing clouds away
so my errands are dry
            and not sloppy.
Today’s sermon is
            clumps of grounded brown leaves
along the walkway
            that leads to my car.
Today’s sermon is
            easing into my seat
returning packages 
            to on-line merchants,
getting a haircut, and
            freeing my mind.
Today’s sermon is
            that some days carry
grace without surprise
            and without rainbows.

 For Mary's prompt "Today's Sermon" at What's Going on?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2024 Susan L. Chast


  1. some days carry / grace without surprise / and without rainbows. - oh that is so beautiful...and so meaningful when we recognize them...

  2. "... easing into my/seat" is so like me. I love the relaxing mood culminating into grace and acceptance. So beautiful, Susan.
    This is me, Sumana.

  3. I love "some days carry grace without surprise and without rainbows." Ordinary grace. So cool.

  4. Indeed they do, and so well put, Susan. I love this poem for its deceiving simplicity. Really satisfying stuff.

  5. Your sermon for today is filled with grace in the ordinary daily life tasks. Beautifully stated.

  6. Oh I love this especially the ending. I needed to read this today.

  7. Those last two stanzas, so understated in imagery and thought, is the icing on top of this very extraordinary ordinary day/sermon. I loved it, Susan.


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