17 February 2025

Lonely Light



I like reflected light the best—
the kind that carves actors out of their settings
the kind that carves the moon out of the night sky
the kind that tickles the tiny moves in a still pond
the kind that lets us see anything at all.
It’s all reflected light unless we look directly into the source.
Light sources blind us temporarily with spots before our eyes,
or permanently as in unprotected eclipse gazing (they say—
I’ve never tried it).  Safer is the very weak light
of a match or the candle and campfire it lights.
I love gazing at firelight in the dark:
the kind that focuses meditation
the kind that plays with imagination
and brings story and mythic creatures to life
the kind that throws long shadows.
In front of long shadows, Peter Pan’s shadow
has a life and substance of its own,
and we can imagine stitching it back on.
In front of a small source or reflected light
community draws together intimately.
I loved rubbing shoulders with you
near our many campfires.  I loved our moonlit walks
and the metaphors that flew around us then

the eye of God, or our guardian angel, or our guide
into the future where all dreams come true.

For my prompt "Light" at What's Going On? 

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2025 Susan L. Chast


  1. Moonlight is my forever love...not just the beauty of it but because under the moon, everything seems possible... hope 2025 is the year in which the world sees light and finds kindness...

  2. This is so beautiful, Susan, especially the stanza remembering those shared campfires. Sigh. I love the photo too.

  3. I enjoyed this, as it brought back some memories for me...of the times of gazing at firelight in the dark, being hypnotized by the dancing flames. I love thinking about stitching on Peter Pan's shadow...such a magical thought. And I like the idea of moonlit walks with metaphors most of all! As I read your poem, I feel serene....thank you for this!

  4. There are so many beautiful lines, Susan. "It’s all reflected light unless we look directly into the source." My favorite line. The line reminds me of our Upanishads where it is said, "For all that is bright is but the shadow of His brightness and by His shining all this shines.” I love the meditative tone of the poem.

  5. I love your lonely light poem, Susan, and I agree about liking reflected light best, especially ’the kind that carves the moon out of the night sky’ and ‘firelight in the dark’ that ‘plays with imagination and brings story and mythic creatures to life’.

  6. What a beautiful reverie into light both intimate and something other than- thank you for your comment as well - Jae

  7. Oh my goodness, that first stanza! Mesmerizing work, Susan.

  8. a lovely meditation, Susan ~

  9. Beautiful writing - love the opening stanza. Light can blind at times so one needs to be careful.

  10. Susan, the opening of this poem is superb. Your meditation on reflected light, that reminds me of how our best selves are reflected by others. A magical write!

  11. I, too, liked that first stanza.

  12. Beautiful...especially the first stanza and the last stanza for its sheer poetic beauty!


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