11 September 2023

The Weather in Philadelphia



Philadelphia heats and rains,
a little more than usual.  We sit
snug and watch other parts of the world burn,
aware that we didn’t have winter last
winter, and this may be the location
of rain forest(s) eventually,
but we’re not flooding either.

I don't . . . I can’t get the formula right. 

I write love songs, faithful and un- songs
and I roll such songs back and forward playing
“what if?”:  What if all love songs were about earth?
were to earth-God? what if always we pledged
loyalty to the earth and meant it? Dear love
best love, please love, do not abandon me, love. 


How’s the weather? 
Whether or not we’re together,
I love you I love you forever
You know where I can be found.


I walk on green hills in a non-flood zone
praying that songs make a difference
in a world that’s constantly changing.
It’s not a matter of being sure,
it’s just the trouble of doing something
here in Philadelphia.


If I could get the formula right. 


For the What's Going On? Blog: HOW'S THE WEATHER?

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
© 2023 Susan L. Chast


  1. I love "what if all love songs were about earth?" She needs our love right now. I absolutely love your poem, especially the way it closes...."the trouble of doing something here in Philadelphia" and "If I could get get formula right." We badly need leaders to get the formula right, but they are addicted to the capitalism formula, which is a big problem.

  2. Yes, some of us that 'sit snug' may be surprised in time when some aspect of climate change affects us. Maybe we should all start writing love songs to earth, hoping that somehow they will help somehow. Hoping something will, so that earth does not abandon us. Poignant.

  3. "What if all love songs were about earth?" Aah....this is the focal point of the poem. This is such a beautiful thought! I believe a time will come when there will be love songs about mother earth only. It's a question of survival.

  4. Yes, add me to the chorus "what if all love songs were about earth?" Lovely and also haunting ... as well as a clarion call

  5. This is absolutely stunning! I especially admire; "What if all love songs were about earth? were to earth-God? what if always we pledged loyalty to the earth and meant it?" Sigh ... ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Wow! I loved the juxtaposition of the urgency of the Earth's plight and one of my favorite lyrics from The Rascals. Very imaginative and lots of fun to read.

  7. Asking many of those same questions...

  8. It is strange to live in a place that isn't getting the weather extremes that are occurring elsewhere. It's same where I live in. In a way I feel like I should apologize for it. Your line 'I can't get the formula right' describes the feeling well. Suzanne - (wordpress blog - Wayfaring).

  9. I walk on green hillls... praying songs make a difference. Beautiful imagery and a wonderful way with words that connects the reader to you! I really liked it.

  10. Susan,
    I believe that there is a huge degree of not really caring by those who are lucky enough to be mostly uneffected by the ravages of climate change and weather patterns.
    It's important that new generations might listen and learn to place more value on the importance of conservation and care for this earth, in order to avert irreversible weather changes...

  11. A poem to love for sure!! annell livingston

  12. There's only one blue planet. A love poem indeed.

  13. If only we could all be in tune and sing as one for our planet earth. sigh..keep singing and writing....we just need a catchy tune - Truedessa

  14. I like this. Sort of protest song style. To many sitting snug and smug, watching from the sidelines. Poor earth.

  15. anonymous is Jane Dougherty.

  16. What if all love songs were about earth?
    were to earth-God? Maybe, just maybe we wouldn't flirt with extinction then


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