30 January 2022


for John                
Tired now at the short edge of a long life, I drag a creative past behind me.
Life barely sparks these days. But every now and then, surprise drops in and
refreshes the air, strengthens the blood, draws out smiles, and renews faith.

Take yesterday: A neighbor brought his snow shovel across the thoroughfare
that separates my corner lot from the world, and offered to help clear
my miles of sidewalks and driveway. I asked if it was his work, but it wasn’t.

I asked if he wanted pay, but he didn’t. We exchanged names, shook hands,
and then he dug his large heart into the task, moving double the snow
in half the time I could. He accepted my thanks.  I blinked, and he was gone.

His gift was more than enough to add miles to my journey. Unexpected,
his gift led me to pen and poetry, to willingness to write past silence.
Find surprise and pass it on: that will be the rhythm of the rest of my life.

Wonder is the life giver. Expecting the unexpected is why I go on.
As our world leaders endanger us and our protests seem unheard,
lowered guard and high regard among neighbors gives hope to the world.

My blog poems are rough drafts.
Please respect my copyright.
If you quote, credit this page.
© 2022 Susan L. Chast


  1. I love this, Susan. Wonder is the life giver for sure. It keeps us going. I LOVE that, in the middle of all the nastiness that spreads like a toxin through online channels and the evening news, there are still good people going about their lives, helping their neighbours. It is lovely to read this tonight after a weekend of watching absolute right wing extremist craziness going on in my nation's capital. Never thought I would see it up here, but up here it is, in full roar. Tomorrow I will go look at the ocean and let wavesong and fresh air blow the news clips right out of my head.

  2. The kindness of strangers is always rare but welcome. It gives hope and is certainly inspirational to write a poem about it. God bless him

  3. Expecting the unexpected is why I go on... yeah, that is so beautiful.. that hope, however tiny, is what gets me through the day... the unexpected..a kind, warm unexpected expectation! Thank you for this, Susan.

  4. Susan, what an incredibly life affirming poem! “Writing past silence” tugs at the heartstrings.


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